taller de imagen, ideas, comentarios y condimentos.


"knitPro is a web application that translates digital images into knit, crochet, needlepoint and cross-stitch patterns. Just upload jpeg, gif or png images of whatever you wish -- portraits, landscapes, logos... and it will generate the image pattern on a graph sizable for any fiber project."
ver: http://www.microrevolt.org/knitPro/
"KnitPro will export a .pdf file to your desktop.
If you are having problems with knitPro try downloading the latest version of Acrobat.
If your file creates an all black or all white grid, your image is likely to have "indexed" color.
Please change the image to RGB and then use KnitPro."

Pues lo dicho, vamos a subir nuestros bonitos diseños para tener el planito de los puntos en "pdf" y "hacer calzeta" para el invierno o verano.
nota: El original lo recibí desde http://rhizome.org/

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